Copiright © Jeton Kelmendi jetonkelmendi@gmail.com 0032478663381
In order to express powerful feelings in poetry there is not a single thing more effective
than the brevity of the poem and its concise style.
Isn’t this also true in wild animals when they squeeze their body and gather all their energies for an attack?
Jeton Kelmendi's poetry is very similar to this image with its inner shivering.
It is characterised from the feeling of masses and laconicisms.
Its condensed lyrical style penetrates deeply on the readers’ sensations.
Through his elliptical verses, in fact he communicates the most valuable thing of human spirit.
Kelmendi is one of the great figures of today’s poetry.
The work of this Kosovar poet honors not only the Albanian language literature,
but the whole literature with its entirety.
Athanase Vantchev de Thracy, July 15, 2009, Paris
Jeton Kelmendi has as much passion as it seems like he is trying to re-invent his homeland and love.
He tries to make the dream into an anti-dream, and also the opposite.
In his poetry there is something contrary to the wind and achievements,
he may not get there, but indeed is the fighter of explorations.
He discovers the roots on the branches, and the faces in the fruits.
Searches the future and discovers the present,
Searches for someone else and discovers himself.
Visar Zhiti, Rome Italy
I am a prose writer, but admire poetry: the art of rhythmical composition – written or spoken – and that is imaginative, impassioned, and educative. My interpretation of Kelmendi’s poetry may surprise the reader, and perhaps, the author himself. Although I am not a student of Balkan history, I have always been interested in that part of Europe, for many reasons. The Balkan people have had a very difficult history, in part because of its more powerful neighbors. “Balkanize” means to divide a country, territory, etc. into small quarrelsome ineffectual states. Kelmendi-the-poet understands well the tragic history of this region. His lyrical work is soft and sad. His “how to reach yourself” reminds me of persons who have had to become border-crossers throughout history. Obviously not in a luxury train, airplane, or expensive automobiles. Worst yet, perhaps without the “papers” needed to cross borders!
During the last thirty years the whole world has been radically changed because of what the powerful capitalist “democracies” have done in order to make more profits. Some call it neo-liberalism with a postmodern “outer-skin,” i.e., the culture of the economic changes. The term “ nexus” means connecting, linking, binding, joining, in other words – coming together in many ways. Karl Marx explained that under capitalism, and its form of imperialism, caused what he called the “cash nexus.” Money and wealth became the most important, and perhaps only reason, for powerful people to come together! The people of Illyria and Albania were not able to sit at the seats of the powerful who made the rules. The Western powers freed up the markets allowing entrepreneurs (mostly big capitalist corporations) to stir up as much Schumpeterian “creative destruction” as possible. Milton Friedman’s “shock and awe,” disaster capitalism is a form of making war on countries whose leaders did not want to become part of the Western powers new forms of neo-capitalist-imperialism. I have read and interpreted this book in terms of the context within which we live. I do not claim that Kelmendi would agree!
This poetry represents a person’s difficulty with regard to should he go back to the time when his country was strong and just. Even though this might only be more a wish than a fact. Turning inward, back to a god, a magic past, or where to start in the present? Perhaps to settle for neo-spiritual instead of neo-economics and the politics that might help in the current dispensation? Back to a deity and Mother Teresa both of whom may have disappeared? A return to the blossoming flower of Gonxhe, as a small Calcutta? This is difficult to figure out when the super secular global capitalism does not look to spirituality except in order to sell some/every thing – every day and night through the years.
Fatherland Albania! Kelmendi seems to be similar to other people whose homeland has not done well in the somewhat recent past, but can go further back in history when claims can be made that there was a time in the ancient past when their land-entity was powerful, just, and worthy of praise. He seems to tell his readers that so many Albanians, and other Balkan people, had to go abroad; however, perhaps they will return to a bigger, better and safer homeland. The reader may wonder if it is possible for all of the persons he alludes to can find such a grand homeland, given the wars that have occurred so recently. Old scores to settle within pressure from the western powers forcing this area into global capitalism, makes it difficult to believe that Kelmendi’s dreams and hopes can materialize any time soon! He asks where is the border that cuts through the sadness and joy? He also asks where have they taken my tomorrow, where is the shadow of yesteryear? Our author has the ability to move from tenses: remote, ancient, not too far back, present and future. This may be his strength with regard to what he gives to interested cosmopolitan readers? The lords of the earth today do not want ordinary (complimentary) persons to learn how to connect the links in time and space. They certainly did not like Marx’s attempt to teach people of his time to see the big picture, obviously a collage from smaller – “snapshots.” I admire Kelmendi’s valiant attempt to help us understand better the thoughts and hopes from one poet living and working in a particular country, but demonstrating his worldliness.
Peter Tase has made it possible for us to read an Albanian language book of poetry in English. This allows so many more people a chance to become knowledgeable about places and ideas beyond the English language world. Bravo Peter!
Richard A. Brosio, Ph.D., University of Michigan
Professor emeritus, Ball Sate University
Lecturer and Visiting Scholar at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
Poëzie van Jeton Kelmendi
Jeton Kelmendi (1978) is nen Albanesen dichter en skriewer, den't is geboren in Peja in Joegoslavië. Hee was soldoat in t Kosovaarse bevriedingsleager.
In zien geboortedoarp gung he noar de legere en middelboare skole. Hee hef studeerd an de Universiteat van Pristina. Hee woarket vuur völle Albanese media en kan good met boetnlaandse media. Kosovaren keant um seend 2000. Hee steet bekeand as enen den at politieke en kulturele vroagstukke an dorft te pakken. Zinne gedichten zeent in verskeaidene sproaken oawer ezat, en komt in verskeaidene antolgiejen vuur. Jeton Kelmendi heurt bie verskeaidene internasjonale dichterskringe en keump in völle, vuural Engelse, bladen vuur.
Hee skrif völle gedichten oawer ethiese zaken en de vriejheaid van oetdrukking en t gewen van oewe mennige. Hee skrif völle oawer leefde en de hardheaid van de politieke umstandigheden in zin laand, met vake geveul van teluurstelling.
Rechtevoort wont he in Brussel, woer't he lid is van de Professionele Journalisten Assosjasie van Europa.
- Joarhoonderd van Beloften, 1999, dichtwoark
- Noa de Stilte, 2002, dichtwoark
- As t middag is, 2004, poëzie
- Woer geet t kommende hen, in 2007, poëzie
- Mvr. Wöarde, 2007, drama
[bewark] Beuke in aandere sproaken
- Ce mult s-au rãrit scrisorile / Wo weanig brewe nog, persoonlike bloomleazing in t Roemeens, 2008,
- Breath / Spirit, oet egeewn in India, 2009.
Als ik het regen was
Per ongeluk
Zou ik jou aan de wang raken
Druppel …langzaam
Oog in oog,
Voor jou ogen
Wat je aan dit ogenblik aandoet
Ik ga weer verdwenen
Zonder teken
Jij denkt
Aan het volgende
Het word is verkouden
Dit jaar
Wat kan ik doen
Aan de stilte
Het is te heet
De stilte
Ik kon niet tot het word
Vrijheid van het woord
(liria e fjales)
De vrijheid van het woord
Begonnen we te verstaan
Van een baksteen van de muur
Kijken we in de stilte
Wat we gezien zouden
Terwijl aan het word
De vrijheid vast zit…
Op een moment
in de voorhoede van een tijd
verliet ik geduld
ik werd brand
in de kruising van afstanden g
in mijn ziel spreekt
geduld hebben we nodig als de dood
zei me de wijze oude man
Wortels in het hart
(rrenje ne zemer)
over de grenzen heen
aan de graf van de dappere onbekende
iemand riep me: het lijkt me
Ik kan me niets herinneren
behalve het liedje van de bewakers
van het vaderland
gedempt in de ijskoud winter
Ik voelde me vanaf de diepte van de stem
wanneer we van jou hielden
stierven we beetje van..
je wortels zijn in de zevende graad
van het hart
op de zevende part van de pijn
geef me een beetje beter weer
Om mijn droom te bedriegen
Traditionele liedjes verliezen we onderweg…
Liefdesleven te huur
(dashuri me qira…)
het liefdesleven te huur is
gesloten op een punt
en krimpt de toppen van het denken
als de dagen schaak spelen met beelden
wanneer het einde komt
geen winnaar is
is er niets meer die over blijft
slechts een volgend spel
Brunette is
De eerste reis
afgezien van haar schaduw
gras begint te lijken
woorden zijn moto
gezongen in eindeloze paden
Hoorn ziet haar blauwe ogen hazelaar
in de hoek het denken
ze gaat me alleen
Buiten Grenzen van Herinneringen
(pertej kujtimeve)
Buiten grenzen
Valt i stukjse
Mijn droom
De tijden vallen stil
De nooit toegekomen..
Nog een stap verder
Ooit hebben we niet gedaan
Je gaat bestaan
De Grenzen…
Schrik niet de stilte
Wat houdt deze wereld in…
mijn ziel
alles op mijn schouders
kan niet op grond vallen
De stilte van de afstand is geschrokken
Die niet te zien is
Niet te horen
Vertaald uit het woord vormen
van lippen die niet praten
De toren maken lawaai
De toren die geen mensen
In hebben…
Mijn dag…in de hemel
(ka qiell dita ime)
Als een lente dag van juni: mijn dag
groenachtige vol witheid
De dag val s’ochtend’s met grijze haar
en bracht ik de dag zoals in Prishtina
De meisjes worden niet oud
De jongens overwonnen ook het weer
Mijn dag is de hemel
Als je haar niet aanraakt met de hand
Note biographique:
Le poète Jeton KELMENDI est né à Pejë (Kosovo) en 1978.
Il a fait ses études primaires et secondaires dans sa ville natale. Il est licencié de journalisme de l’Université de Prishtina. Actuellement, Kelmendi poursuit ses études supérieures à l’Université Libre de Bruxelles (Politique internationale et Problèmes de sécurité). Parallèlement à ses travaux universitaires, il écrit et publie plusieurs recueils de poésies. Jeton Kelmendi est collaborateur de bon nombre de médias, albanais et étrangeres, traitant essentiellement d’affaires culturelles et politiques.
Kelmendi s’est fait connaître par le large public grâce à son premier ouvrage poétique “Le siècle des promesses”, publié en 1999 et qui a connu un immense succès. Ses poésies sont traduites en 22 langues et publiées dans beaucoup d’anthologies.
Il est membre de nombreux clubs internationaux de poètes.
Il est vétéran de la guerre que l’UCK a mené pour l’indépendance de Kossovo (1998-1999)
A présent Kelmendi vit et travaille à Bruxelles.
Ouvrages de l’auteur :
Poésie :
Le siècle des promesses, Rilidja, Prisjhtinë,1999
Par-delà le silence, Faik Konica, Prishtinë, 2002
Peut-être à la mi-journée, Faik Konica, Prishtinë, 2004
Donne-moi un peu de pays, Faik Konica, Prishtinë, 2005
Où nous mènent les événements, Ombra GVG,Tiranë, 2007
Tu viens pour le bruit du vent, Globus R., Tiranë 2008
Le temps lorsqu’il aura du temps, Ideart, Tiranë, 2009
Drame :
Dame parole, 2007
Publications en langues étrangères :
Ce mult s-au rãrit scrisorile / Les lettres sont devenues fort rares (choix de poèmes traduits et publiés en roumain)
A Breath / La respiration (choix de poèmes traduits et publiés en Inde)
Reconnaissance internationale :
Membre de l’Association des journalistes professionnels d’Europe, Bruxelles.
Membre de l’Académie européenne des Sciences, des Arts et des Lettres, Paris.
Grand Prix Internationa Solenzara de Poésie, France.
Biography of Jeton Kelmendi
Jeton Kelmendi was born in 1978 in the City of Peja, Kosova. He completed elementary school in his birth place. Later he continued his studies at the University of Prishtina and received the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Mass communication. Currently he is completing his graduate studies at the Free University of Brussels, Belgium, specialising in International and Security Studies. For many years he has written poetry, prose, essays and short stories. He is a regular contributor to many newspapers, in Albania and abroad, writing on many cultural and political topics, especially tconcerning international affairs. Jeton Kelmendi became well known in Kosova, after the publication of his first book entitled: “The Century of Promises” ( “Shekulli i premtimeve”), published in 1999. Later he published a number of other books. His poems are translated in more that twenty-two languages and published in a few international Literature Anthologies. He is one of the most translated Albanian Poets. According to a number of literary critics, Kelmendi is the genuine representative of modern Albanian poetry. He is a member of many international poetry clubs and is a contributor to many literary and cultural magazines, especially in English, French and Romanian Languages. The wisdom of his work in the field of Literature is based in the attention that he pays to the poetic expression, modern exploration of the text and the depth of the message. His Genre is focused more on love lyrics and elliptical verse intertwined with metaphors and artistic symbolism. Kelmendi is a veteran of the War of Liberation in Kosovo led by the Kosovo Liberation Army, 1998 -1999. he currently resides and works in Brussels, Belgium.
Published works:
“The Century Promises” ( title of the original: “Shekulli i Premtimeve”), 1999 (poetry)
“Beyond Silence” (“Përtej Heshtjes”), 2002 (poetry)
“If it is afternoon” (“Në qoftë mesditë”), 2004 (poetry)
“Fatherland pardon me” (“Më fal pak Atdhe”), 2005, (poetry)
“Where are the arrivals going” (“Ku shkojnë ardhjet”), 2007 (poetry)
“You arrived for the traces of wind” (“Erdhe për gjurme te erës”, 2008 (poetry)
“Time when it has time” (“Koha kurë të ketë kohë”), 2009 (poetry)
Published plays:
- “The Madam Word” (“Zonja Fjalë”), 2007 (Drama)
Published Works In Foreign Language :
- “Ce mult s-au rãrit scrisorile” (“Sa fortë janë rralluar letrat”); published in Romanian Language.
- “A respiration” (“Frymëmarrje’); published in India
- “Dame parol,” drama; published in French
(“Ku fillon heshtja”), poetry; Paris, France
- “ΠΟΥ ΠΑΝΕ ΟΙ ΕΡΧΟΜΟΙ (“Ku shkojnë ardhjet”),
Poetry in Greek; Athens, Greece
- “Wie wollen (“Si me dashtë”), poetry; Berlin, Germany
International Awards:
Member of the Association of Professional Journalists of Europe, Brussels, Belgium.
Member of the Academy of Science and Arts of Europe, Paris, France.
SOLENZARA Prestigious International Award, Paris, France.
Jeton Kelmendi u lind më 1978 në Pejë-Kosovë.
Shkollën fillore dhe të mesmen i kreu në vendlindje, ndërsa studimet për Komunikim Masiv në Prishtinë, kurse studimet post-diplomike në ULB- Universitetin e Brukselit (Politikat ndërkombëtare dhe çështjet e sigurisë). Vite me radhë shkroi dhe botoi poezi, prozë, ese dhe tregime. Është bashkëpunëtor i shumë medieve, shqiptare e të huaja, ku trajton çështjet të ndryshme kulturore dhe politike, sidomos që kanë të bëjnë me raportet ndërkombëtare. Si emër Jeton Kelmendi u bë i njohur për lexuesin në Kosovë me përmbledhjen e parë me poezi “Shekulli i premtimeve”, të botuar më 1999. Në vijim botoi edhe një serë librash të tjera. Poezitë e tij u përkthyen në më shumë se 22 gjuhë të huaja, u botuan në disa antologji ndërkombëtare. Është njëri nder poetet më të përkthyer shqiptar. Ai është përfaqësues i denjë i poezisë moderne shqiptare është thënë nga kritika letrare. Kelmendi është anëtar i disa klubeve ndërkombëtare të poetëve dhe bashkëpunon me disa revista letrare e kulturore, sidomos në gjuhët angleze, franceze dhe rumune. Qenësia e punës së tij në fushën e artit letrar është kujdesi që i kushton të shprehurit poetik, shtjellimit modern të tekstit dhe thellësisë së mesazhit. Në krijimtarinë e tij veçohet sidomos lirika e dashurisë dhe vargu eliptik i ndërthurur me metafora dhe simbole artistike. Është veteran i luftës që bëri UÇK-ja më 1998 -1999. Aktualisht punon dhe jeton në Bruksel.
Tituj të veprave
Shekulli i Premtimeve, 1999 (poezi)
Përtej Heshtjes, 2002 (poezi)
Në qoftë mesditë, 2004 (poezi)
Më fal pak Atdhe, 2005 (poezi)
Ku shkojnë ardhjet, 2007 (poezi)
Erdhe për gjurme te erës, 2008 (poezi)
Koha kurë të ketë kohë, 2009 (poezi)
Zonja Fjalë 2007 (dramë)
Në gjuhë të huaja
-Ce mult s-au rãrit scrisorile /Sa fortë janë rralluar letrat në Gjuhën Rumune
-A breath /frymëmarrje në Indi
-Dame parol drama Francë
-COMME LE COMMENCEMENT EST SILENCIEUX (Ku fillon heshtja) poezi Paris
-ΠΟΥ ΠΑΝΕ ΟΙ ΕΡΧΟΜΟΙ (Ku shkojnë ardhjet) poezi në Greqi -Wie wollen (Si me dashtë) poezi Gjermani
Mirënjohje ndërkombëtare
Anëtar i Asociacionit të gazetarëve profesionit të Evropës, Bruksel
Anëtar i Akademisë së Shkencave dhe Arteve të Evropës, Paris
Çmimi prestigjioz ndërkombëtar SOLENZARA, Paris